Non-Structural Performance Categories (SPC) Ratings By OSHPD Standards & What Does it Means To All Hospitals


Buildings posing significant risk of the non-structural components in their structure. Buildings with equipment and systems not meeting the bracing and anchorage requirements of other NPC fall under this category.
(California Administrative Code, Ch. 6, table 11.1)


Buildings that fall under NPC 1 must be brought up to NPC 2 level. The systems that require seismic bracing and anchorage are in accordance to part 2, Title 24: communications systems, emergency power supply, bulk medical gas systems, fire alarm systems, and emergency lighting equipment and signs in the means of egress. Deadline: January 2, 2002
(California Administrative Code, Ch. 6, table 11.1)


Buildings that are in compliance with NPC 2 and in critical care areas, clinical laboratory services spaces, pharmaceutical service spaces, radiological service spaces, radiological service spaces, and central and sterile supply areas, The systems that require seismic bracing and anchorage are in accordance to part 2, Title 24: nonstructural components, listed in the CBC 1995, part 2, Title 24, Table 16A-0).
** Exception to the nonstructural components listed in the CBC 1995 is allowed for NPC 3R, which lateral bracing and anchorage is omitted in rooms with a floor area less than 300 square feet, given that this room is not an intensive care or coronary care unit patient room, angiography laboratory, cardiac catherization laboratory, delivery room, operating room or post-operative recovery room.
Exceptions: The lateral bracing is not required and can be omitted for cable trays, conduit and ducting, given that an approved method of preventing the release of the contents of the piping system in the event of a break is brought forward.
Only elevators selected to provide service to patient, surgical, obstetrical and ground floors during interruption of normal power desire to meet the structural requirements of Part 2, Title 24. Fire sprinkler systems comply with the bracing and anchorage requirements of the National Fire Code (NFPA 13, 1994 edition), or later editions.
Deadline: 1. Acute care hospital buildings in both rural area as defined by Section 70059.1, Division 5 Title 22 and Seismic Zone 3 shall comply with the bracing and anchorage requirements of NFPA 13, 1994 edition or earlier editions by January 1, 2013.
2. January 1, 2008 unless the hospital has an approved extension or exemption.
(California Administrative Code, Ch. 6, table 11.1)


Buildings that are in compliance with NPC 3 and all architectural, mechanical, electrical systems, components and equipment, and hospital equipment meet the bracing and anchorage requirements of part 2, Title 24 can be in this category.
Deadline: January 1, 2020 or 2030 depending on the Seismic Design Catagory (SDC) per CBC code and extension request requirements.
(California Administrative Code, Ch. 6, table 11.1)


Buildings that are in compliance with NPC 4 and on site water supplies and holding tanks for sewage and liquid waste are enough to last 72 hours of emergency operation, and are connected to the building plumping systems in accordance to California Plumping Code. An on site emergency system as defined in the California Electrical Code. Also, the system shall provide for radiological service and an on site fuel supply for a duration of 72 hours of acute care operation.
Deadline: January 1, 2030
(California Administrative Code, Ch. 6, table 11.1)