The 2019 California Building Code (2019 CBC), which is based on the 2018 International Building Code (2018 IBC), is going to be adopted in the State of California effective January 1, 2020. With the 2019 CBC/2018 IBC comes a set of updated structural reference standards – for design loads, structural steel, masonry, wood, and cold-formed steel. The reference standard for concrete, ACI 318-14, remains unchanged. Also remaining unchanged is the 2015 edition of the wood standard: Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic. For the steel and cold-form steel the code is updated to the 15th edition, and for masonry the MSJC-16.

Changes in the OSHPD and DSA sections of the CBC code effects the architectural and structural designs for health care facilities and Educational structures . Example of some of the architectural master plan impact is CBC sec. 1030.1 Emergency Escape and Rescue – General and exceptions. Example of some of the structural master plan impact is CBC sec. 1604.3.7 Framing supporting glass, which was much needed in the past during major design of significant structures.
Finding these changes in the CBC code is not ambiguous. Changes are identified as follows:
|| Double Vertical Lines = CA Change
Solid Vertical Bar = IBC Change (NA for access Chapters 11A and 11B, which are both CA Chapters)
> Caret Denotes CA Deletion
Arrow Denotes IBC Deletion
* Single asterisk means text has been relocated elsewhere in the code
** Double asterisk means text following mark has been moved there from elsewhere in the code
All these changes mean one thing, we all as professional structural engineers and licensed architects must be educated and egger to implement these changes to benefit the safety and well being of the public. Let us work together to be more engaged with one another to make this transition smoother to both the public and all the involved professionals.